Jesus provided the pattern for Christian ministry—He came, not to receive service, but to give it. (John 13:1-17).
Our Ministry groups strive to work together to achieve common service, education, and outreach.

We take the words of Jesus in Matthew 25 very seriously. In addition to coming together to join in worship, we also go out into the world to feed the hungry, offer drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the incarcerated. We support these missions both financially through our giving and physically through the work of our hands and feet. Below is just a portion of the many activities which we support. We seek to create a balance in our mission work between local, regional, and world-wide causes.
Local Missions
We support local missions here in Brimfield and in the surrounding towns.
Prayer Shawls
Brown Bag Lunches
Tri-Town Food Pantry: General Donations & Thanksgiving Baskets
Brimfield Elementary Summer Feeding Program
Community Gardening
Ecumenical Coat Closet
Garden Memorial Rocks for Wales Senior Center

Regional Missions
Our missions do not stop at the borders of our town but stretch throughout our state and region.

National & International
As we recognize that God created the whole world and all people are God's children, we seek to extend our hand out into the whole world in even more mission work.
Church World Services – School Bags
Packages for Service men and women overseas